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Formación Respiración Holotrópica

“While going through a state of crisis is often difficult and frightening, it also carries tremendous evolutionary and healing potential. If properly understood and treated as difficult stages in a natural development process, spiritual emergencies can produce spontaneous healing from emotional and psychosomatic disorders, positive changes in personality, solutions to important life problems, and an evolution towards what some call “higher consciousness”

(Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD.)

Western science has been dominated by monistic materialism, which has no space for any kind of spirituality. Modern psychiatry does not have a category that resembles “spiritual experience” or “mystical experience”; all of these experiences are seen as manifestations of serious mental illness or “psychosis”. This is an unfortunate mistake caused by a superficial and inadequate model of the psyche used by academic psychiatry. This model does not recognize the perinatal and transpersonal domains as legitimate dimensions of the human psyche, and views experiences originating there as products of an unknown pathological process. Modern consciousness research has shown that, properly understood and supported, spontaneous episodes of Holotropic states can be healing, transformative, evolutionary, and serve as an invaluable source of paradigm-breaking information about consciousness, the human psyche, and even the nature of reality.

Many people go through a deep personal transformation associated with a spiritual opening. Under favorable circumstances, this natural and beneficial process leads to emotional healing, a radical change in values, and a deep awareness of the sacred dimension of existence. For some, these changes are gradual and relatively smooth, but for others they can be spectacular and dramatic, abruptly, demanding and challengingly interfering with their daily lives.

Stan and his late wife Christina coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” which refers to episodes of Holotropic states of consciousness that are so intense that they interfere with the ability to function properly in everyday life. They describe the triggers for these episodes; characteristics that differentiate them from psychotic episodes; its most important forms; and ways to support them that amplify their transformative and therapeutic potential. Proper management of these episodes benefits not only the individuals involved, but also society as a whole, because the successful completion and integration of spiritual emergencies typically leads to a worldview, value hierarchy, and life strategy that would increase humanity’s chances of survival.

“In modern societies, spiritual values ​​have been profoundly ignored and replaced by materialistic considerations. Today it is increasingly evident that the desire for transcendence and the need for internal development are fundamental and normal aspects of human nature” (Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD)

Some topics that will be covered in this module:

  • Spiritual Emergence and Spiritual Emergency: you will discover a broad vision of the essence of the process of spiritual awakening, in light of clinical research. It examines the different types, their differential diagnosis front of psychosis, initial interactions and what to do specifically to support someone in this situation adequately, thus favoring a positive resolution.
  • Pshycospiritual Crises: Understanding the relevant topic of psychospiritual crises will give you a new look at problems so complex and recurring as alcoholism and drug addiction, allowing you in a deeper understanding and a new practical approach, in order to support people who suffer from it.
  • Therapeutic Potential: You will discover that an important subcategory of non-ordinary states that are currently misdiagnosed as phycosis are actually crises of spiritual opening, which have great transformative and therapeutic potential.
  • Categories: You will discover the most important types of spiritual emergencies, and their characteristic phenomenology, their triggers, and the characteristics that differentiate them from phycosis.
  • Relevance: You will understand how the appropriate treatment of these crises can have individual and collective implications.